Is that the Bacardi Bat hanging upside down off a pirate Fez?
Is that the Bacardi Bat hanging upside down off a pirate Fez?
Is that a baby rat with a bird tail, perched on a branch?
Oliver’s army is here to stay
Oliver’s army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today
I don’t know why she’s nervous, she clearly knew the spec well and didn’t have to resort to modern abstraction frameworks to serve a simple static site.
Transubstantiation remains a reprehensible pseudophilosophical topic.
Beautiful, just beautiful. This! This is why we’re spending all that effort unwrapping those scrolls that Vesuvius tried to bury for some reason all those millennia ago.
Malfoy suppresses his rage. He knows for sure that Fred had a bigger dick, but has to settle with George’s piece.
Hear, hear! (I’m old too)
There’s a version of Morrissey’s Irish Blood, English Heart that hit the radios before it was released, and it was waay better than what we actually got:
no weird comical sound effects, cleaner sound, the high guitar could be heard way better, and the ending riff was a harmonious one, not some eclectic free-for-all.
After years of believing I had hallucinated/mandela’d the whole thing, I finally found it:
Is that canon? I thought that was from the 2000s cartoon
He had been having an affair with the teddy bear.
Woah. That’s a lot of printer cartridges. I hope you get the colours you need!
You lose that buff two weeks after acclimitizing to another country, and the perceived extra charisma is actually people nervously smiling around you to mask their limited english (half the language is just obscure idioms)