America is going to end up getting kneecapped entirely because a critical mass of Americans are dipshits who are too goddamn stupid to survive as the housecats of civilization.
America is going to end up getting kneecapped entirely because a critical mass of Americans are dipshits who are too goddamn stupid to survive as the housecats of civilization.
They’ve eliminated the need for both creators and consumers of content. Certainly this gain in efficiency will add value to society
Take a reputable course and learn about guns. They are dangerous in the hands of irresponsible untrained yokels but if you are smart and informed they can empower you and safeguard your well being.
Guns have traditionally been a pacifier for anxious right-wing weirdos who are afraid of Nancy Pelosi, but they are also a good hedge against those right-wing weirdos and will be a pacifier for your anxiety about them
I am sick to death of the nonstop firehose of gender identity politics. From the conservative faux-machismo consumerism to the trans identity parade.
“You do you”
…is the most you can expect from anybody. You cannot force acceptance but you sure af can (and should) enforce tolerance.
Everybody is too hung up on gottdam categories. Now I am pro-enby. Fuck all gender/sexuality classifications. Every spectrum is just a singularity. Stop hyper defining everything and just let people be who they are without asking them to be somebody else. That’s it. That’s all that is required of you. That’s also why you cannot force acceptance, because that will always result in abuse. But tolerance needs enforcement.
What a whore.
The whole point is to let Bibi carry the sins of the country to white wash Israel as a whole. Once the job is done he can be discarded as an unfortunate extremist while everyone laments “what he has done”.
Israel changes leaders and everybody quickly moves forward without Palestinians being a meaningful presence in the ME
As a Canadian I say send them to the stocks until they learn fealty to the king!
Israel is an Islamic hate sponge that allows US huge force projection within the ME.
Trump will help Bibi finish off the Palestinians entirely without Biden’s modest pretense of pretending to give a shit about a two-state solution
Yes this. The US isn’t shy to back genocides done to secure control of territories held by US friendly regimes. It’s kinda their thing really
Seriously… Do you know what Canada does? The gov’t buys wholesale from pharmaceutical companies. That’s it. The Canadian gov’t runs a drug Costco on behalf of its citizens and we all save.
Why doesn’t Florida just negotiate their own wholesale drug prices from the manufacturers on its own? Why does it need Canada to do that for them?
In Canada the first step to legal gun ownership is emailing the RCMP and asking for gun safety training. Then they email you back a list of qualified instructors in your city.
Once you get the safety training then you can apply for a Possession and Acquisition License which allows you to buy firearms and ammunition. Once in possession of a firearm you need go register it so that if you are caught with it you don’t get in trouble.
“Restricted” firearms include hand guns and revolvers so if you want one of those then you need to repeat the process once more including the safety training and get a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License
Microplastics are my kink…
It shrinks into his head as your fist approaches it. Less of a face than an event horizon
That doesn’t matter. What matters is that they get their way. We have to just sit on our hands and let them hurt enough people to make MAGAs switch allegiances. Or just let them keep killing people until there aren’t enough functional MAGAs left to make any meaningful opposition.
There is no point to argue with them. Just let them do it.
The Democrats have been chasing the mythical moderate conservative at the expense of the progressive left forever and have learned nothing. I want a fire and brimstone progressive who is belligerent and aggressive
Oddly, Iranian women showing their hair is the best way to defeat the Iranian regime.
I am leaning into the whole “Democrats have god-like power over the weather” conspiracy because it pleases me to use that as a reason for voting Kamala. Why vote against the team with the hurricane machine? They are obviously much stronger.
Maybe the squirrel bit that guy because the squirrel knew deep down that guy was here to fuck up the squirrels life which he did by inserting himself into the situation.
This guy isn’t getting out of Korea intact. Koreans are the least pussy culture when it comes to condoning vindictive violence. He’s gonna catch a life-altering beating in SK before this is over.