What is Mark has been a sentient AI for some time?
What is Mark has been a sentient AI for some time?
Sure, but the individual contribution vs. companies / state-owned organizations is like 70% come from 100 companies / orgs. So the individual percentage is still negligible.
I’m not disagreeing with the math. I’m saying when you want to make changes, you start with the most meaningful funnel. If you have 2 factors contributing to a problem, factor 1 contributes 70%, factor 2 contributes 30%, going after factor 2 seems like a waste of time. 1%s contribute 1000x the amount of the average. Who should be making lifestyle changes here?
The math here is the sort of thing that drives apathy for me to make small incremental changes. If the superrich can dump ~250 avg. emission years over the course of a year, why should I do anything besides lobby against this mode of transport or other large consumers? Maybe it’s a “spirit of the thing,” but changes in my life seem so negligible compared to how ruinous some individuals are acting.
Interesting that the beast is said to have seven heads in Revelation. There’s also 7 Trump Towers with his name on them:
I’m a UU, so I don’t fully subscribe to the Bible as perfect and wholly divine or authoritative. But a bunch of people are wearing red colored Satan hats with a slogan on their forehead while voting for an adulterer, glutton, slothful, raging, envious, greedy, prideful “politician.” This man is so departed from Christ… I don’t get it, besides lies, propaganda, and accelerationism.