You guys have lawns??
A very wintery meme, this
Bots can’t read calendars
Only northern hemispheres exist.
A disc doesn’t have hemispheres
Damned turtles refuting conventional knowledge of space and time.
The elephants aren’t without blame here.
This is what peak yardcover looks like
Lawns were always a mistake by human hubris & greed.
Nah, I don’t like having a tick farm right outside my door.
Nope, you’d rather have a sterile piece of wealth display that uses far more water than it should just to sit there and not be used.
There’s a good chunk of the world where you don’t ever have to water lawn, except when initially seeding it.
I think this is referring to mowing the lawn ?
Isn’t it better to let it grow and encourage biodiversity ? :)
Skip as much as possible
Clearly you’ve never lived in Tick Central (anywhere along the US East Coast, or up by the Great Lakes, northern Minnesota, or down south, Alabama, Louisiana).
I mow because if I don’t I just have a Tick Farm right outside my door.
Plus I’ve had Lyme Disease once already. You can take my mower from my cold, dead, hands.
Maybe stop growing the stuff then.
You guys have lawns?
This unironically looks better.
This is so low effort / non comical it should be a shitpost.
Damn, that looks great!
Lol, oh ko, this is about a foot too short.