What’s outrageous is that this is being treated as news, when it’s not new, e.g. (from 2021) https://www.thebalancemoney.com/trickle-down-economics-theory-effect-does-it-work-3305572
We’ve known this that since at least 2001, if not earlier, https://www.capitalismmagazine.com/2001/09/the-trickle-down-economics-straw-man/
My understanding this was known in the economics circles in 1980s too but people were able to make careers shilling the lie since owner class favor them.
Good grief, that means this lie has been successfully peddled for nearly half a century.
We need to stop shaming people for believing in religion and start shaming them for believing in trickle down.
We have proof that Jesus Christ at least existed and was put to death by a Roman Leader named Pontious Pilate, we have no proof he was actually divine.
This means there is more proof for Christianity than “Give the ravenous gluttons who want for nought more pie and somehow the starving children will be fed.” aka Trickle Down
I mean it’s basically the same thing at this point.
We know, we know.
One year of printing new dollars and forcibly closing small businesses has failed to make things cheaper, new study shows.
People should be always taxed more depending on how much more they make starting at 500,000$ a year for a single person imo. Once you hit that threshold you’re far above a normal human…far above.
If wages/salary are your primary/only source of income, you are not part of the wealthy class, even if it is $500k. Not even close.
Yeah, the problem being that they get compensated in shares, etc, above that point, meaning they dodge all the income tax anyway.
In the same way that a Ponzi scheme failed to pay its bagholders. It’s by design.
It’s by design. But in a serious country, serious world, or amongst serious people, we would’ve been laughing at the “Laffer curve” the moment Laffer ejaculated it into the napkin he first wet dreamed it upon.
But instead because we’re both as laughable as the curve itself and because the rich, industrial asshats in this country were foaming at the mouth for a thin, arguably objective, seemingly mathematical piece of horseshit to cover their “steal from the poor and give to the rich” policy preferences, reproductions of Arthur’s ejaculate was disseminated like it was the fucking Mona Lisa.
It should never be said that conservatives are conservative in the normal, adjective sense of the word. For the last fifty years, they’ve been tearing at the fraying seams of society and have been using “trickle down economics” as their seam ripper, while simultaneously blaming anything and everything other than their objectively horrific policies for the havoc wreaked.
Oh, the laffer curve is just fine. The issue is, the people who choose to missuse it deliberately or through utter ignorance never mention that the X value is about 90%. As I always say to those types whenever they bring it up:
“Theh all want to talk about the laffer curve, right up until you have to explain to them how hight the X value is. Then, as if by magic, they suddenly don’t want to talk about it anymore and never agreed with it in the first place.”
The real problem with economics, imo, is that they always presume inequality to not exist, in order to make the calculations work. The reason being that, if you accept that inequality exists and add it to the pot, as it were, the answer always comes out as “the problem is inequality.”
However, that doesn’t justify tax breaks for the rich or their rampant greed and exploitation. So, we pretend its non-existent and, tbf, in a wold with no inequality what so ever, where only the best rise to the top and anyone could be rich, if they worked for it and it wasn’t a closed shop, most of neoliberalism would be absolute genius.
Of course, the problem is that, in the real world, inequality not only exists but is the definining feature of our economy.
Oh, there’s been some trickle down, it’s just not anything having to do with money, it’s been more of a golden shower that’s been trickling down.
Economists have written the same article for years.
This is like that Onion school shooting article that just changes the location except they count how many years it’s been since Reagan
Well, not the same article. They have to find/replace the name every couple years. Horse and sparrow, supply side, trickle down, …
I like horse and sparrow. It openly admits it’s horseshit.
Indeed, Ronnie was and still is a big POS in my book. The USA should bring the tax brackets from the 1960’s back.
Because the plan all along is generational theft.
It’s all the generations getting robbed, it’s just that each successive generation gets shafted worse than the one before. Grandma didn’t steal your retirement, the oligarchs did.
I’ll never understand how this image wasn’t ridiculed from the start. I mean if you are talking about “trickling down”, wouldn’t the bottom be the place where the thing that is trickling down collects?
Of course money trickles down, it trickles down from the poor to rich.
It was but everyone was hypnotized by that POS. People who criticized it when I was a kid were considered socialist. It was/is a backward southern town. These days its just another small methville.
It’s kind of about time we blow this bladder apart.
No!!! Say it ain’t so!!!