• Paragone@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    The person you’re arguing-against has a valid point…


    & that is just 1 source I was able to find in mere-seconds, as this issue has had entire books written on it.

    BOTH sides commit imperialist narcissist machiavellian psychopathic nihilistic sadistic shit, while gaslighting the entire-world about it.

    The difference is a difference of degree, not a “1 does it, the other doesn’t do it” difference,

    & that has been true for … the last 8+ decades?

    This is actually a fundamental problem with “politics”:

    IF a particular machiavellian-operation is established,

    AND a “new government” is elected,

    Do you try resetting everything, in order to align with the temporarily-in-power new-electorate?

    XOR do you just keep everything underhanded going as S.O.P, while letting the “politicians” play in the polls?

    ( this is intentionally a false-dichotomy: the right-answer is somewhere between, & keeps dynamically changing, as the country’s morality devolves/evolves )

    Without periodic-review, there won’t ever be any accountability, & evil can just continue growing, endlessly, until the “deep state” really is the primary enemy of the country’s civil-rights…

    With periodic-review, however, then … done by whom?


    At what intervals?

    With what authority?


    Therefore, the default is for evil to just continue growing…

    As a collector-of-knowledge told me, years ago, the more he understood what had actually happened in the US molesting Nicaragua, via the CIA, & drug-cartels, etc…

    the more he couldn’t figure-out who the bad-guys were supposed to be.

    That is normal.

    Spook stuff does everything it can to eradicate true-good & true-evil from all frames-of-reference!

    that is by-design.

    which is what makes it & some-people so … utterly-incompatible.

    _ /\ _