Seriously though, I never got near those numbers. I did put about 2500 hours into TFC and TF2 before it became a bot hellscape.
Just yesterday I banned Facebook’s user agent that is supposedly only used to generate link previews. It was being extremely aggressive, making 20 requests per second. At the time I thought “I bet they’re actually building their own search index”, and here we are.
I haven’t read wired in a few years, and it looks like I haven’t missed anything.
It’s not fine. They are not archiving the internet.
I had to ban their user agent after very aggressive scraping that would have taken down our servers. Fuck this shitty behaviour.
I hope they follow this up with a “we need to talk about prohibition” video because that is where the most harm resides. All drugs have downsides, but treating them as a justice issue rather than a health issue harms everyone.