I’ve sold used printers in the past without much trouble. But yeah, it’s not like the MK4S is bad or anything like that. This is more a case of first world problems.
I’ve sold used printers in the past without much trouble. But yeah, it’s not like the MK4S is bad or anything like that. This is more a case of first world problems.
Yeah, probably.
Just read that as well, but that’s $500 on top plus $300 I “wasted” on the enclosure for the MK4S.
Aaaaaaaahrg! Guess who recently bought an MK4S and thought “Wish it was a CoreXY, though”?
transform your MK4S fully into the CORE One without a single compromise. We are aiming for a release date in March 2025 with the projected price of 449 USD (VAT excl.) / 489 EUR (VAT incl.).
Well, at least there is that…
Thanks for your input, but it is not a question about who benefits or what a person aught to do, but a simple logical conclusion:
For simplicities’ sake, let’s say there are 10 people voting in an election with 2 parties. Each party has 4 unwavering loyalists and the remaining 2 people’s votes depend on current events/issues. The two parties mainly take turns in government due to these swing voters.
Now enter a third party. Party 3 addresses issues that are somewhat relevant to voters of party 2 and mostly uninteresting to voters of party 1. In the next election, some voters will most likely drift from party 2 to party 3:
Splitting votes between too somewhat similar parties guarantees a win for the opposite party on the spectrum. Coalitions are not possible under first past the post, so party 2 and 3 teaming up to dethrone party 1 is not an option. This continues until either another party on the opposite end of the spectrum joins the race and diminishes the votes for party 1 or one of party 2 or 3 absorbs the other.
Therefore, it is in the voter’s best interest to vote strategically against what they don’t want and not for what they do want.
Vetoes need to be abolished. But since the veto powers will veto any such motion, the UN is going to stay a toothless tiger.
The issue in the US is that it IS against your political interests to vote for anyone but the least bad option.
The first past the post system simply doesn’t allow for a diverse political landscape.
'murica, fuck yeah!
Let me guess: Field research to (in)validate his belief is out of the question?
How so? I haven’t really kept up with 4B, so this is a genuine question.
Not all batteries in the world have to be made of lithium. Depending on the use case other materials cab be even superior.
Unless you’re ready to fill the country with a thousand battery farms,
Oh I am totally ready to do that. A third of these batteries will be actually farms, a third will be sitting stationary in everybodies cellars and sheds and the other half will be rolling on the streets in form of electric vehicles.
Top off your own batteries and EV with surpluses during excess production and drain them during dry situations. Most people seem to forget that EVs can work both ways.
Russia also has one of the largest reserves of uranium in Eurasia as well, only behind Kazakhstan.
Also Germany would only trade one teat for another. Energy indepences is only possible by using renewables.
Lastly every energy corporation has said they won’t touch nuclear with a twelve feet pole because it is too expensive and there is no insurance agency willing to back them up.
The nuclear horse IS dead.
OK, let’s trade then. Mine are often cold despite the blanket/bed sheet.
Ok, right continent, wrong coast. Close enough.
More info for people like me.
Hold my bacon, one can patent the idea that a game character switches mounts depending on a given state? (Image 3)
Who puts a blanket on their legs but not their feet? Also, wearing slippers on the couch? If your feet are cold, put them under your blanket and get those dirty soles off the furniture!
Kids these days …
after this election that I have an unexpectedly pressing need to wave large obnoxious flags
I might be ignorant here, but was this a submission for the Maine state flag referendum?
I am all in favour for handing Ukraine the tools they need to win this war. But at the same time “the others are doing it” is no justification for a free pass on every weapon or tactic.
The Russians butchered civilians, destroyed critical civilian infrastructure and yet I’d rather prefer the Ukrainians to not do the same.
Also anti personal mines and cluster munitions from i.e. the Vietnam war are still causing crippling and death today. Using weapons that are prone to cause damage to future generations for short term gains is in my opinion short sighted. We should provide Ukraine with more “sensible” weapons in quantities that makes using cluster munitions and mines obsolete.