Lol you aren’t ever going to win that voter base, the fact that you keep trying is why you keep losing.
If you give a platform to morons then you are a moron. If you listen to morons and find their thoughts and ideas not painful you are guess what a moron. Rogan is Rush Limbaugh part 2, follow the script and collect the cash from morons.
Lol remember when Trump sat in a truck, and cooked French fries and got elected.
No I’m just pointing out the obvious fake morality. Big “somebody think of the children” energy here Todd. You just hate common sense and logic and are bringing it up because you need a knee jerk reaction to simulate an emotional response from real humans.
Meanwhile in reality check out what she is distributing through Snapchat and only fans… Maybe pursuing the actual crimes first then if there’s spare resources go after fiction.
I’m dr rockso!
Nah dog they voted for trump because team sports. He is their tiny brains highschool football team. The pastor wouldn’t let them go to prom if trump didn’t win. Also no amount of reaching across the aisle will win one vote, they literally vote against their best interests because it feels good.
Boy do I have exciting news for you! You can definitely have a drink hiking! Remember though pack in pack it out, keep them trails clean ja!
Ah a fellow day drinker!
You don’t understand at all. Whatever lol.
Enjoy your reality homie get used to losing elections.
Harris was a real candidate as much as the Tyson Paul fight was legit. Just another scam for the rich to grift.
This is bullshit Democrats got theirs fuck you. Just like the Republicucks. Only the idiots are breeding and passing their dumb fucking lack of logic down. Imagine a country of people who have elected to let Joe “rush Limbaugh” Rogan shit directly into their brains.
Black men look at how working class straight white men are treated. Surprised Pikachu face when they vote against it.
When they stop getting paid.
Don’t drink so much alcohol at night my friend 😉
I feel bad to exist in this timeline with all the “bizarre stuff,”
The answer to your riddle is… Your dating your sister! Roll tide.
Yeah this thinking right here is what won you that election.