Did the parent comment make some kind of evidence based claim? What did it say?
Did the parent comment make some kind of evidence based claim? What did it say?
Long time PC and console gamer. For me, the X-box controller achieved the pinnacle of usability, I was intrigued by the Steam controller, but it was so shoddy.
I wonder if I just got a bad one, because it was so terrible I cannot imagine anyone liking it.
Well yeah, implementation may vary with dictators.
It’s because socialism does not stand up to outside pressures. It always turns towards benevolent totalitarianism as a method of defending itself from bad actors.
I hope they improve it. The steam controller was the worst controller I have ever used. Hard to hold, loud buttons, just awful UX
Doesn’t git have builtin svn repo conversion?
Seriously, a bunch of people who don’t know the GAO exists.
This is an intentional joke, right?
“Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.”
In an Islamist government, making a nation, who is openly hostile to their Muslim population, a major trader partner may not play well.
The question is, with what currency? The Cuban dollar is not really worth anything outside Cuba, so they can only rely on exports to fund currency needed to buy imports.
Remember: the presidency ages people. How long would he be president?
Oddly, this is something that didn’t seem to happen to Trump. We all know why of course, he didn’t actually do the job of being President.
As funny as it is, I think really that is where it can stop. Someone abhorrent said they support someone, that person said, no. No means no.
No, like it was physically awful. Using the pads required effort and the clicks were sooo loud.