Only people running bleeding edge were affected.
Only people running bleeding edge were affected.
The most expensive thing I own is less than $3,000. I don’t think I’m this target demographic.
Gnome with dash to dock and the app indicator extensions.
If Windows makes you happy keep using it. You owe a bunch of Linux nerds anything.
You can’t be in audiophile mode in a car. You don’t even get proper stereo separation.
Are they going to share this data with the open source community or is this just for their proprietary keyboard?
Saw a young dude at the movies wearing Jnco Jeans. The cycle is almost complete.
If the documentation is on discord, there is no documentation. Documentation has to be freely available, otherwise it doesn’t count.
Can’t think of any applications that I use in Linux that aren’t available on Windows.
A lot of “Temporary Embarrassed Billionaire” vibes.
See, this is exactly what’s amazing about Linux. It can be whatever you want it to be. It’s yours to customize.
It’s had all the signs of a bubble for the last few years.