Also China recently started producing freons again. I thought we got rid of that problem for good, but no…
I agree this isn’t racism against Russians.
But also, let’s not be pedantic. A nation can be discriminated against, any group of people can be. That’s what they meant by racism. They used it more broadly and that’s ok, I’m sure even you understood what they meant. What term would you use to be more precise?
The idea of FSD cars being safe if there are no human drivers is true only if you abandon the nice thought of having cyclists and pedestrians. Having the option to walk or ride a bike is amazing and worth aspiring to.
Please don’t feed your black kitties junk food and alcohol.
There’s no place I can be
Since I’ve found Serenity
You can’t take the sky from me.
I get you. But that’s life. Life wants to live and create more life. That’s what it’s about. The parts of life that ask why will be set aside and not used for the continuation of life.
Awww, now my data is complete.
Certified fabulousness.
Very fabulous indeed. I need to see the other stare as well. For science.
You could have left colonialism out of it. You brought the western shit into the discussion. If you just said the west has better age of consent, everyone would agree.
Some birds are pretty intelligent.
Those were just his jets. The pillars were fire in the night and clowd during the day.
I do occasionaly buy a donut, but never for myself. So I cary it around with me for a while, often visiting other shops with it. I’d rather have a receipt with me, don’t need any funny experiences.
Tiktok is not real life. Go watch or read Persepolis. I also know someone from Iran, they don’t go back anymore for good reasons. Things are getting worse there.
But you won’t find it in Teheran anymore. Iran was diverse then, now it’s as backwards in the big cities as it was in the country.
Yep, it’s that old, but very recyclable.
This is an old one, but I always enjoy telling it in new contexts:
Trump walks outside the White House aimlessly. He slowly picks up a stone, inspects it closely, then puts it back and continues his slow walk.
Vance is worried and calls the Kremlin for help.
"We’ll look into it, Mr. Vance… hang on… Oh. We’re terribly sorry, the fault is ours. By mistake we’ve sent him the instructions meant for Lunokhod.
I’ve checked and it seems things are not that bad on that front. The identified new Chinese sources were eliminated, if I understand correctly. There are still some sources unaccounted for, which is concerning, but those might be anywhere, not just in China.
Here’s an article, if you were interested: