WTF is wrong with people nowadays!
WTF is wrong with people nowadays!
It’s secret Santa for a reason!
Of course he’s not on the force anymore. Now he has time to run for sheriff itself!
His union will get his job back (with back pay and benefits); and an apology for treating him so horribly.
I remember when this started years ago (in the before AI times): Jolly Roger Telephone.
Seems now they are using AI too.
Wood colored concrete 🤔!
As if they need a reason.
If they’re hot, we need mandatory leaks!
I think we are saying the same thing. We both agree that it would have to be filling faster than it was draining (if it was even going to fill up).
Not sure if you are commenting on my comment or the original one.
I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone, I think it’s a stupid and weird thing to say to start with.
NetHack 3.6.7
The abnormal gay guy vote - like a gay guy that likes Vance. That’s weird AF.
Me thinks it really depends on how much the cops want to frame that person for the crime.
Oops, did I say that out loud?
You! It was you!
Halt! We have you surrounded!
University Server Admin
Must be filling faster than it’s draining, otherwise it never would fill up.
The Independent’s Thomas Sutcliffe found it laughable and full of absurdities, while also observing that “Professor Magwilde’s approach to archaeology is unconventional. She likes to squat at the edge of the trench and mutter urgently, ‘Come on! Give up your secrets!’”
I almost want to watch it now - almost.
Far more than I am proud to say, far more.
So, just like the manufacturer.
Give me the $100 first (completely and irrevocably non-retractable). After I (in my sole judgement and by my sole timeline) am 100% convinced it’s mine, then I’ll sign.
Wouldn’t give him the pleasure.