Newtons part in the slave trade is no less a part of the life and history of Newton then his contributions to science, why would we omit it? Calling him a piece of shit and saying he contributed to an awful system does not alter the fact that modern math and physics are where they are currently due to his contributions. Conversely, his contributions to science doesn’t alter the fact he contributed to one of the worst systems in human history.
Lol, I would actually love an example of the “inevitable” outcome everyone always touts. Everyone says it, but I don’t ever see anyone actually stopping talking about these people or making anyone apologize. You are right, he died hundreds of years ago. We don’t need to punish or blame anyone. We also don’t need to stop teaching physics just because it was forged by pieces of shit. If we are going to talk about the people who discovered this stuff at all (which we don’t have to to talk about physics) there is no need to white wash the history. We can be adults and recognize that just because someone did something important doesn’t mean they were perfect or even a good person at all. We don’t chose who makes great changes to our world, but it doesn’t me we have to hide who they or or what they did.