As much as I would love this the rest of the republican fuckers would never allow it cause then they would lose whatever power they have left since Texas has been solid red for ages now.
As much as I would love this the rest of the republican fuckers would never allow it cause then they would lose whatever power they have left since Texas has been solid red for ages now.
Lul fair enough. I personally would splurge for 60 frames at least if I’m going that far but that’s just me.
Doesn’t have to be a small cheap camera. If they’re willing to go this far with an 8k TV in the bathroom i don’t see why’s the cam couldn’t be a pricey good one.
Sounds like it could be old school mentality of everything for the family. At that age she might have been propagandized in her youth to suffer for family. Happened a lot back then.
I don’t know them and I’m sure at least of them is a lovely person but I just don’t understand how you can be OK with being with someone who gleefully is voting to take your rights away. That just screams either willful ignorance or privilege and I dislike both things.
God I was pissed when riot did it for league. They didn’t even have a terrible cheating issue, it was rare and they suuslly caught it and parched it quickly. If blizzard can do it so can they.
It’s like the lamest and unfunniest of word play.
Isn’t rumble the same? Lul what the fuck is going on with the world.
More than once even.
I toast my bread on a cast iron skillet. Takes longer but I’ll never have to replace it.
It something Nintendo excels at and it’s weird they haven’t tried it. Nintendo puts out dozens of mid range games a year that are solid with no weird monetization.
You can’t even blame the great sales on Nintendo having all these amazing IPs because they built most of those IPs from scratch WITH mid range games and the occasional AAA in the series. It’s a long play but these business types are to busy looking at the quarterly number to start building now.
My gym required me to go the location I signed up and cancel in person lul. I just told them I don’t live in the country anymore and I’m calling from abroad, they can either cancel or get charge backed. They canceled quick.
Sounds rough. In my state we had one guy ® who just said a bunch of emotional nothings and useless promises and the other is a guy (d) who promised he would basically fight ‘the man’ while providing proof he’s already been fighting ‘the man’ and winning a handful of times. Easy choice.
Oh I’ve for sure seen way more than that of straight up republican fraud votes.
Heck here’s a quick one I found where a couple republicans tried it and failed.
And that’s for iceberg lettuce. Romain and it’s kind have loose leafs so a ton gets in there. Bok Choi too, I cook with it a lot and I see a bit of dirt in there all the time. I always give my veggies a good rinse.
“yes officer mines the one with the self portrait real size cock graphitti in the corner”
It’s a terrible photoshop or the Pic was taken with a very topdown angle or both.
They do have 50 percent discounts every other month or so in my experience for stickers but yea you’re right you have to order a minimum of like 10 usually for the discount to apply.
Yea that’s the point buddy.
What’s a little nibble among friends.