And how science bullshit websites gobble their bullshit up. Look at the technology communities here on Lemmy. There is not one week without some spurious claim by Chinese scientists who apparently revolutionize batteries two times a month at least, each revolution more hilariously beyond everything physically possible than the previous one.
Yet, most ppl talk about how awesome this tech will be when it’s finally in use, blabber about the genius behind the discovery and go into borderline conspiracy mode, suspecting “big oil” or whomever to stop this one like they supposedly stopped all the others. Physics is what “stopped the others”, you gullible tech-freak! Reality stopped the one before that! Big oil or pharma or whoever are by no means without guilt when it stoping innovation, but those things are just made up. It’s usually not even very thought through. It’s just obvious bullshit.
ELI5 why there would be a space suit completely without any snakes in it whatsoever. Doesn’t make any sense!