and let me be clear, I am for having a voice to speak out, but there’s a point where it’s like “ehhhhh I might be going a bit too far with this”
and let me be clear, I am for having a voice to speak out, but there’s a point where it’s like “ehhhhh I might be going a bit too far with this”
Bill gates and Steve balmer in shambles.
hello comrade, how is Moscow today?
Because I feel like some on here have the freedom to speak their mind and not worry about having food on the table tomorrow.
theocracy here we come…Jebus h Cristo.
and that’s how you lose your job.
I like turtles.
lol @ all these arch/Ubuntu/mint users. been using debian for years.
what the hell. staying in Canada.
I want this ring.
lol I use that coffee machine and been using debian for years
the problem is that about 75% of people have no idea what happened during the partition plan and 20% who do think what the Zionists did were justified (even pre partition/pre war/war time(
it was all about the eggs.
I’m not American. so I didn’t campaign for the Democratic party, but you on the other hand really find any excuse to protect your boss.