I’m just waiting for someone to make someting like this but runs locally and doesn’t feed a never ending data black hole. It doesn’t need to be that powerful to be useful too.
Hopefully our ai overlords will save us from our mortal vessels.
I’m just waiting for someone to make someting like this but runs locally and doesn’t feed a never ending data black hole. It doesn’t need to be that powerful to be useful too.
I have 113 hours in skyrim VR. I never felt bad playing tbh.
I feel really lucky to have practiced my VR legs for almost a decade that pretty much nothing makes me feel sick anymore. Maybe you could train on easier stuff at first?
There are so many games where i just want to look at and be part of the world in VR!
Medical training in VR isn’t a gimmick. Your view of the uses is just too narrow.
Points at BBEG : Fix this.
BBEG’s mom walks in.
Xit aka exit? So exitter?
There’s a pretty good amount of people still using it, it seems.
Not surprising that Bytedance would want to gobble up every bit of data they can as fast as possible.
You might as well frame it and put it on a wall instead of it taking space on a usable surface XD
Fireball is a hell of a drug.
Who did they give money to? Maybe it would’ve been better if they just created a offbrand infowars.