After your training to become a cage fighter, I presume?
After your training to become a cage fighter, I presume?
Please elaborate about the magic of love and logic
Did you check for your pulse? We need more info to answer that
Gotta admit, I saw this and thought that’s beautiful and I want to play this game. What game is it? Then I read it’s Uncharted 4 and I’ve already played it. Maybe it’s time to revisit?
The whole game is beautifully designed and polished. I’d play a walking simulator made by naughty dog, no questions asked.
It’s not a boomer problem. It’s an education problem. Weaponized stupidity is a big problem in a pluralistic society.
Ah I see. Yes, no doubt the NSDAP wasn’t socialist but that doesn’t mean Germany didn’t have socialist parties back then. E.g. the social democrats were still marxist, iirc.
As an aside it is very saddening that people really think the nazis were leftists because of the name. That’s just a level of stupidity I can’t fathom to comprehend.
Maybe I’m not getting something here, but why do you think Germany didn’t have a socialist party?
Praise the GabeN evermore