Hell, it’s a very different target market from the rest of the horizon franchise…
Lego games are a slog. They can be fun for a while, but the design of them forces you to speed through the story and then go back to replay the whole damned thing to collect all the shit you can’t get the first time around.
Frankly I’m not excited about it. I love horizon, but I think it’s a stupid decision to make a Lego game as the next installment in an otherwise exceptional franchise. Especially since it launched for $60 on console. No way it’s worth that; it’s a Lego game.
Counterpoint: there are so many things a person could be doing that are far far more valuable to society than bullshit “profitable” work, and those things don’t pay, or pay very poorly. You think being required to earn basic existence in life is better, even though the vast majority of jobs are entirely pointless and/or could easily be automated? Such a shameful waste of human potential.
If people had all the time in the world to do what they wanted, most people would still work at least part time, but it probably wouldn’t be for shitty megacorps that treat employees like trash (and those companies deserve to die). Some people would choose to only do community improvement stuff, though, like beautification, guerrilla gardening, or helping to build/remodel community spaces. And that’s actually awesome. We need way way more of that, and less of developers/companies coming in and doing whatever they can to extract money from the community.
They do it now, when they have time or it’s directly beneficial to them, but volunteering is an inherently privileged activity. Poor people don’t have time or energy because they have other shit to do to be able to afford to survive.