[Demographic] is always going to ____ because they are ___ and have ___ values.
So, fill in the blanks with the most abhorent shit you can garner, I’ve got to listen to some nice vitriol myself. You see why generalization, is very much a slippery slope?
If you ever care to be a voice of reason and possibly convince people to vote in their own best interest despite being inundated with propaganda against so, then you will learn something from this.
That is true as well. My state still had mail in so personally I found it no more easier or difficult. Pardon for being shouldacouldawoulda, but in that case vote accessiblilty should’ve been a top priority for the dems after all of the 2020 bs.
In my humble opinion it was no larger a part than any other potential matter. I mean we’re still counting and it has inched closer… nowhere to hope, but I genuinely believe if everyone turned out to vote, we wouldnt have to worry this stuff so much