The truth I don’t want to believe in, lol. But seeing the latest elections and talking to people gives your points, not mine, a ton of weight. And I probably insist on a possible awakening\redemption arc because I don’t know what to do with that on the day-to-day basis if that’s not possible, if people selling me groceries are irredeameable bastards who cheer to the pain induced onto others, but that’s on me trying to stay sane.
Either way, back to the OP: death to the russian empire, glory to Ukraine and fuck me for I’d probably only play that UE5 game on Youtube if I sell some organs (:
The truth I don’t want to believe in, lol. But seeing the latest elections and talking to people gives your points, not mine, a ton of weight. And I probably insist on a possible awakening\redemption arc because I don’t know what to do with that on the day-to-day basis if that’s not possible, if people selling me groceries are irredeameable bastards who cheer to the pain induced onto others, but that’s on me trying to stay sane.
Either way, back to the OP: death to the russian empire, glory to Ukraine and fuck me for I’d probably only play that UE5 game on Youtube if I sell some organs (: