Is this The Onion? It sounds like The Onion.
Our sales specialists have found that adding diamond to the GPU can increase profit margins by up to 30%. And with optional ruby studded HDMI cables we expect out customers to be selling their parents into slavery this holiday season!
They don’t really explain how it works even though they have a 3-minute video that supposedly explains how it works, so I’m with you here. Let’s wait and see before investing millions in this startup.
And miss the pop?
(The pop is when the share price suddenly jumps. Especially after an IPO. #because misunderstood jokes suck)
The is some Onion quality writing. I hear their readership base is huge though.
Industrial diamond is extremely common, you can find diamond saws at reasonable prices in any hardware store
Diamond is actually a very efficient heat conductor.
Which is why the slang for diamonds is “ice.” They feel quite cold when you touch them because they have such high thermal conductivity.
Reduce temps 20* vs what control? A proper water loop or janky air cooled heatsinks with no paste applied? Did the company write this article themselves? I know Tom’s has gone to shit but this reads like copy the company put out to bump their IPO