A Federal Trade Commission lawsuit is leading to changes for consumers who use H&R Block’s do-it-yourself online tax filing products. A proposed FTC settlement would stop H&R Block from unfairly requiring consumers seeking to downgrade to a cheaper H&R Block product to contact customer service, from unfairly deleting users’ previously entered data and from making deceptive claims about “free” tax filing.
I know there are some actually free tax filing options for folks with more or less normal tax situations. Which ones do you use? I’m hoping to use the IRS one this year, but I’m not sure if my state is included in their program.
I’ve used FreeTaxUSA for years without any issue and free federally. Something like $16 to e-file with my state.
They just have a screen at the end prompting for more deluxe options if you want. You can also download the completed files and submit them yourself if you want.
I second this! I found it easier than TurboTax
I’ve been using it for years. For me, it strikes just the right power-user usability. It gives you everything you need, and lets you ignore what you don’t.