Across the United States, “heads are rolling” at the top of some Ivy League universities amid a campus-wide crackdown on students protesting Israel’s war in Gaza, shining a spotlight on the question of freedom of expression worldwide, said UN Special Rapporteur Irene Khan.
Genuine question. The sign in the thumbnail says, “We want Palestine to be liberated.” What does that mean?
Is it advocating for the dissolution of the state of Israel? Like, “liberated” implies the removal of an occupier, no?
It can’t just mean “stop the murders,” right? Like, if that’s the case it was say to liberate the “Palestinians,” not “Palestine” right?
I just ask because I feel like the messaging on this is a bit all over the place at times, and calls for the abolishment of the state of Israel seem a bit extreme to me, and I’m trying to figure out if that’s the actual stance people are taking.
Remove the occupier (Israel) from Palestine, not completely from the map (although this would solve a few issues, it would also create many others. The two-state solution is probably the best one, but it doesn’t work if one of the two states has an authoritarian far-right government that wants to commit a genocide)
What issues would removing Israel from the map solve, and what would happen to all the Israelis?
Well it would stop the oppression of Palestinians, but as I said, that’s not a real solution and would cause many many other issues. The two-state solution is the way to go, but the iSSraeli fascists want to continue their genocide and oppressive politics.