With paltry streaming royalties and a cost-of-touring crisis, it’s harder than ever to make money as a musician. Claudia Cockerell on the household names who are taking up side hustles, and what it says about the state of the music industry
A fair amount of the money still goes back to the studios. It’s way more expensive than it used to be, both in time and money, to create what we consider a state-of-the-art video game. The goalposts for quality and realism have moved so far.
Ouch, just like video game industry :-/
Any “industry” that doesn’t sell a physical product and many who do.
Any “industry” that doesn’t sell a physical product and many who do.
A fair amount of the money still goes back to the studios. It’s way more expensive than it used to be, both in time and money, to create what we consider a state-of-the-art video game. The goalposts for quality and realism have moved so far.
Well, I prefer say Commandos by Eidos to some super graphic expensive “triple A” game, but that’s just me it feels like.
I too have tastes for well put together titles, but we don’t make them enough money :)