Right now I am running GOG Galaxy in bottles and it is mostly stable. However, I don’t like how GOG Galaxy constantly is showing ads and harvesting data.
What I am looking for is another Windows launcher that can manage GOG games. Ideally it should be simple and work with a controller.
I also need an alternative to the cloud sync. I think it might be possible to either use Syncthing to sync folders or to setup a network share and then use some scripting to save my progress once I’m done playing. The biggest issue I have is that I don’t know how to import my GOG cloud saves into the offline installer.
That’s for Linux. I want something for Windows.
Then ads well disserved
… you posted this in the linux gaming community.
I’m using bottles
Ok I’ll bite. What the fresh hell are you doing running bottles on windows?
I’m not running Bottles under Windows. I’m running it on Linux and the environment it creates runs Windows software. I don’t want the headache of tweaking it so I want everything to just work in inside the wine prefix created by Bottles.
I created a new prefix a while back and when I installed GOG everything just worked. I’m looking for a Windows game launcher that can replace GOG running in bottles.
I understand completely now. I don’t have the answer for you but I use minigalaxy (running natively on Linux) which can download and launch games using wine tricks. I don’t have an answer for the cloud save though
There’s some context missing here. Why prefer bottles over a native client? You can still run the game in bottles right?
I’m Lazy
Still not following. Native clients are easier. A lazy person would be delighted!
Yup. I’m lazy, and Heroic makes things incredibly easy. I just install Heroic, login to GOG, and then play games. Not sure how much easier it can get than that.