The circulation in Paris is already completely fuck up
Because when they acquired blizzard and Bethesda , those two where down as fuck in therm of quality , so peoples could have hoped that it would be beneficial for their future games. Turn out it wasn’t the case. Microsoft is exactly like ea.
Serious question from someone who is in this situation: What the best os for someone who want to switch from window 10 to Linux because of the eol? Is it really mint ?
I don’t understand how you could have this when its free in france. Someone fuck you up at some point.
Nop its not a mirror twitter algorithm favor post with the most interactions and where there is the more debate . so twitter IS by default toxic.
On thunder you can block a word I recommand doing that
The only good new today
Many people who draw porn draw adult version of the character, and particularly this time I think it just funny , like the Vatican made an anime character OF COURSE r34 / hentai people will troll and do porn with it immediately.
That s a fancy chastity cage
I feel them 😔😔
I think the estimated by billboard is fucked up but yeah the article seems completely broken
Gen z here just discovered silent hills with this remake and god this is incredible , love the psychological horror.
And obviously its a crab the pinnacle of evolution
You are doing your part o7
They played it live wasn’t perfect but a 2026 release is completely plausible
Honestly squadron 42 look exceptional
You can recycle your filaments. This is an incredible way of creation.
I think you forgot the /s