Be not afraid, for I bring good news of a functioning CPU and memory, tools to inspect your disks, and as foretold in the time of the smartphone you may even still have Internet access to read all of the documentation.
Implying I can understand the documentation even when it’s available.
299792458ms is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
To who?
it’s significantly less scary if you have a backup
😁or if you only store OS stuff on your local drive and have all data in your cloud including game saves
And by cloud you mean your server in the basement, right?
I have it at my Friends Location and it is backed up on a hetzner clone that we can switch to without interruption if our own ship goes down
Of course running stable debian, 😁 secure stable debian in server distrohoppibg at home
Grub rescue should come with a hug or maybe a nice picture of a landscape.
A random gif with a cute cat or a dog would be nice.